The Board Of Trustees and their Board Committee Chairmanship
Finance Committee
- Plan, adopt and implement, producing and disbursement guidelines for the use of the Association funds.
- Plan and coordinate savings campaign and other fundraising activities.
Security Committee
- Maintain peace and order in the village.
- It shall form and organize the members into Tanod Brigades to safeguard the security of the area and Emergency/Disaster Brigade to meet any natural or man-made calamity in the future.
Grievance and Adjudication Committee
- Accept and investigate complaints filed by a members against any other member or officer, and shall settle or arbitrate any dispute within its power in the community.
Facilities Management Committee
- Cleanliness and Beautification program for the club house facilities and amenities around the amenity area.
- Plan and supervise the implementation of guidelines for generating revenues to ensure the club in self liquidating operations.
- Plan and adopt disbursement procedures of revenues generated from the club operations.
- Approval and disapproval of reservation for the use of facilities.
- Plan, organize and implement social activities that will help improve interpersonal relationship among the members.
Grounds and Landscaping Committee
- Repairs and maintenance of the roads and utilities open spaces, parks, and landscape areas.
- Adopt cleanliness and Beautification Program.
Plans and Construction Committee
- To supervise the Association’s architectural department in strict compliance of the Deed of Restrictions.
- To supervise all the rules and regulations of the Association relating to all construction activities of the Village.